
A Sokoban (Warehouse keeper) game about pushing lights and mixing their colours.

The later levels all feature a specific behavioural mechanic to complete. 


The game features an online leaderboard shown at the end of each level. Enter your username to have your entries saved!

Beat the devs if you dare! (Remember to have fun!)

Keyboard Controls

  • WASD: Movement
  • R: Restart
  • Z: Undo
  • ESC: Go back to Levels


This section discusses the reasons for things happening.  Ideally you would figure this stuff out naturally or via tutorials, but time is time.

  • Lights are moveable boxes that shoot a beam in a single direction.
  • The beams of these lights can interact with buttons of the same colour.
  • Buttons can be used to open doors in levels (Occasionally multiple per door is used).
  • If two or more beams intercept, they will mix colours (on a RGB channel basis)
  • Boxes can be used to block beams of lights, causing a weaker beam: a shadow (trust the process).
  • The shadows interact the same way as the regular light beams, however, they have no piercing power and cannot be mixed with regular light.
  • Final rule: Have fun!


NamePrimary RoleSecondary Role
Daniel Day (HJMW)DesignerMusician

Open Source!


Design Document
ShaderLaserHouseInvader_Windows.zip 24 MB


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I got the level 1 high score!